Grass and lawn South Australia

Brook Turf About Instant Lawn Adelaide

Instant lawn specialists:

Instant Lawn Adelaide - Turf FarmBrook Turf is a commercial instant lawn farm, we supply fresh turf state wide supplying the DIY market, commercial landscapers and on sellers.

Brook Turf has gone through major expansions of late and can now offer the Metropolitan clients the opportunity to purchase direct from the grower and save.

Grass and lawn South Australia

We are environmentally responsible in our turf production using only recycled water to grow the turf.

Grass and lawn delivery Adelaide

Brook Turf can offer a turf laying service within the Metropolitan area. We can recommend landscapers.

Grass farmed locally - SA

Brook Turf grows only drought tolerant or water wise turf grasses.


grass water friendly

Suppliers of superior quality Adelaide instant lawn since 1974.
Copyright © 2025 Brook Turf South Australia. All Rights Reserved.
BROOK TURF uses only reclaimed water in the production of their turf.

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